Teenage Girls & Corporate CEO's In The News (Yikes) - Major Trend Unfolding
I just read this…
“Whenever teenage girls and corporate CEO’s covet the same new technology, something extraordinary is happening.”
They (top marketing experts and economists) are referring to “Mobile” as we enter 2014. Still, shockingly, many business owners and entrepreneurs are NOT yet “in the game.”
There Are Three Kinds Of Business Owners…
1) Those who are in the game
2) Those who are watching the game
3) Those who don’t even know the game is going on
Which are you?
Sadly, most fall into #3, always a day late and a dollar short, as the saying goes…
As a business owner, the longer you are out of this game (Mobile), the more $$ you are leaving on the table. Yes, it is now costing you “leads” and “sales” by NOT being “Mobile Ready.”
These Trends Tell The Whole Story…
…At the start of 2014, tablets exceeded traditional desktop devices for “conversion rates” for the first time suggesting people are increasingly comfortable with the experience of buying on tablets.
…Mobile “traffic” is increasing by more than 3.5 percent per month (Televox)
…Over 40% will click onto another web site if it is not “mobile friendly” (Icebreaker Consulting)
…Almost 50% of mobile users say they are unlikely to return to a website they had trouble accessing from their phone (Gomez)
More like a mega-trend, if you ask me.
The time to start your Mobile Marketing was yesterday. By the end of 2014, your marketing will look antiquated if you haven’t adopted marketing that appeals to smartphone and tablet users.
And if you’re still chasing “Internet Marketing Riches”, I got news for ya bubba…. You’ll most likely be chasing it for a LOOONG time. Frankly, the world doesn’t need another Internet Marketing product right now, another Email auto responder system, or another blogging platform.
The big money has already been made there. Trust me, I’ve been there. We’ve noved from an eCommerce world (electronic) to a mCommerce world (mobile).
If you’re ready to “get in the Mobile game”, capitalize on the next mega-trend, and get on the fast-track to $7,532 “per month” (with less than 100 customers) in the first-ever Mobile Marketing 100% Commission Program…
CLICK HERE to watch a powerful video that explains HOW
One of our Affiliate Partners:
“We joined this program because we needed the additional income without affecting Pat’s full time job. The system has already netted us a $2,200.00 commission check in just a few weeks without us even having to make the sales. The company makes them for us.
Thanks Andrew and your awesome team for allowing us the flexibility to grow a profitable business on auto-pilot. You guys have created an untouched hot spot in the mobile niche, where regular people like us can finally have success. Thanks for your commitment to your promise.”
– Patrick & Robin Costello
Simple. Powerful. “In front of” the Mobile mega-trend.
Don’t get blindsided. Timing is everything. Hundreds have joined Patrick and Robin on this journey in just the past week or so.
Why not you?
RemarkaMobile is about to release an update to their services and business center. Join now to be included in the launch!
If you would like to be representative where you can earn an affiliate commission and sell mobile marketing services, then join us at RemarkaMobile!
CLICK HERE to watch a powerful video that explains HOW
See you over there.